Thursday, August 7, 2008

Partial Update

So I thought I would have had better internet over the past few weeks but it's been a little slow. I want to fill you in on the last 2 weeks but my journal is in the other house so until I get that I will just let you know what our day today looked like! The team left 2 nights ago so Allison, Chris, Megan, Andrea, and I headed back to Kitale yesterday. We took a cool little plane where we got picked up in the middle of a cornfield by Richard, Sister Freda's husband. His car holds 5 people but we fit all of our luggage and 8 people inside of it. No one even looked at us weird.
So we decided to take today off and hang out around the compound. This consisted of:
*Chris learning from James Juma(our friend from Kitale) to use a Maasai bow and arrow and then teaching me. I have yet to hit the tree but he says I am learning quickly.
*Ayub (Torie, we put it in our cellphone as Iuub) letting us know we are going to kill a chicken which allowed for Chris to hold the feet down, me to hold the wings down, and James slitting the chickens throat! It was awesome though I did let out a squeal. The body shook for a few moments, and then I got the joy of holding the body from the creepy, fatty feet.
*Chris and me setting up a ping pong table!!!!! There was a travel set here and our kitchen table is almost perfect size. It has been so much fun, and it's only day one with the PP table.
*Mary and Ayub making a delicious lunch for us with the best chipati, sukamuwiki, green beans, avocado, bananas, oranges, and CHICKEN!! Yes, that means we ate the chicken we killed earlier in the day!
*James walking us to town which takes 40ish minutes. We shopped at Gigamart and Transmat where we got more Double Choco Maryland cookies, which taste like a mix of Chips Ahoy and Chocolate Teddy Grahams. To get home, we took boda bodas which are bicycles with a seat over the back tyre(that's how they spell it here). So Paul Wakaso peddled me home on the main streets of Kitale and then on a dirt road. It was a little nerve racking plus slightly awkward when I accidentally grazed his rear end when trying to grab the handle bar.

As we pulled up my dad was arriving so we are now sitting in our living room chatting about the last few weeks and discussing our evening plans which will probably include hot crystal light(try it!) and watching a movie on the wall with the projector we found in the house. I will post later with more details of the last few weeks. It's been really fun getting to chat with some of you on facebook. I get really excited when the internet works and I see that people are online!! Ok I will write again later


Neal Kapur said...

Aww Caroline... It sounds like you're having such a good time.

I have to be honest though... I'm a little worried for you, but it's not the malaria, civil unrest, sketchy car rides, or even wild animals that scare me. What frightens me is that you have discovered that Africa has Double Choco Maryland cookies, and for once, John and I aren't there to regulate your eating habits. Are you going to be okay or do I need to email poppa Rutenbar to schedule an intervention?

Julie Hibbard said...

You grazed his butt? THAT is an adventure! Hot Crystal Light IS indeed, delicious and is second only to prunes in its added effects!
SO happy that you are there and that I KNOW Mary and Ayub and James and, well, I probably knew that chicken too...
hope he was delicious.
Miss you!!! Eat some yummy cookies for me!