Friday, August 29, 2008

DTR..not what you're thinking

Today was spent at Discover to Recover. Within 5 minutes of being there, Francis, Patricia’s husband, told us we would be taking the kids to shave. We kind of looked at each other wondering what that meant so we asked. This meant we would walk the kids down the road to get their heads shaved. So we took like 20 kids to the salon where they got their heads shaved. It was so crazy and unusual but of course awesome. I met a girl Fiona who sat by me the whole time and pretty much just counted to ten in both English and Swahili. She was way cute. Back at the center, I helped Ebby and Grace make lunch. I got a lesson in peeling potatoes with a ridiculously sharp knife. My mom has always taught me to cut away from myself but that did not apply today. They kept laughing at how slow I was at cutting and peeling the potatoes. Oh I’m sorry the huge machete could have taken my hand off in one swift motion! Grace also thought my cabbage cutting skills were a little off. Apparently I wasn’t cutting thin enough but the finished product was delicious. Sweet Fiona stood by me the whole meal preparing time. When I was done, she washed my hands for me J. At first she was trying to rub the dirt off but then went and got water to scrub them for me. It was the sweetest things ever. Stella, the matron here, got a geography lesson from Megan, Allison helped Josiah in the office with budgeting stuff, and Chris played with the kids who all love him. I think Friday’s are going to be great if this keeps up!

1 comment:

Julie Hibbard said...

Thinking of you Sweet Caroline!
I keep singing "Back streets back--OK!!!" And laughing to myself. Those were the good ol' days--when I was with you guys in Kenya!
I love your updates and I'm SO glad that you stayed!!!
I am glad you were not Defining the relationship...