Monday, July 21, 2008


I made it!! After meeting a few interesting people (the main one being a silly european woman who was standing on my seat/blanket/pillow as I got on the plane who kept speaking her language to me), self navigating through 4 airports, enjoying some tasty plane food (for realsies), annoying everyone with the size of my large blanket, and journaling with new sparkly gel pens thanks to my dear torie, I am finally here with my dad chilling in Nairobi.  For dinner we ate some chow mein and a submarine beef sandwich.  Sadly I couldn't act in my usual American ways of returning food when it is not perfect.  I asked for no mayonnaise, but I don't think Enoch knew what I meant.  I was very mature and scraped as much off as I could and then used my napkin to get what the knife couldn't reach in the grooves.  I am going to try to take some pictures tomorrow and put them up on here for a little test run.  


Torie said...

oh my gosh you are there safe!!!
ah dear god i already miss you like crazy.
i love you!

lindsey pierce said...

Carol. way to go girl. did you ask enoch to use the extra mayo as deodrant to help with the stinkies. jk, got mad love for you e-money. and for you pb. miss you.